photography of calm body of water


The Guidance Hub offers professional counselling services, workshops, and psychometric assessments provided by HPCSA Registered Counsellors. We are passionate about supporting the developmental needs of students and young adults.

At The Guidance Hub, we are committed to empowering students with the tools they need to thrive. Our dedicated counsellors will help map out the path to your true potential.

Our Services

Career Guidance Assessments

The Career Guidance Assessment aims to help individuals make informed decisions about their career paths. This assessment is beneficial for high school students, university students considering a change in their study direction, or adults contemplating a career change.

Aptitude for School Beginners (ASB) Assessments
The Aptitude for School Beginners (ASB) assessment is a standardized psychometric test used to evaluate the school readiness and learning potential of young children entering formal education. It helps to determine whether a child has the foundational skills required to succeed in a structured school environment.
Subject Choice Assessments

The Subject Choice Assessment is designed to assist students, typically in Grade 9, in selecting subjects for Grades 10 to 12. This decision is pivotal as it can influence future study options and career paths.

School Workshops & Groups

We offer school workshops and group sessions on a variety of topics, tailored to support the well-being of learners and educators. Our interactive sessions cover areas such as stress management, personal development, self-esteem, bullying, emotional regulation, career guidance, and more.

The Psychometric Assessment Process

Psychometric assessments are professional evaluations that measure an individual’s aptitudes, abilities, personality, and interests. These assessments provide clear insights that help students, adults and parents make informed decisions about their education and career paths.

As qualified professionals, we not only conduct the assessments but also interpret the results and provide personalized feedback. We help you understand your options and offer practical recommendations to ensure you move forward with confidence in your education and career choices.

a vase and some books
a vase and some books

Meet the Team

Tara du Plessis - HPCSA Registered Counsellor

Qaanita Rossier - HPCSA Registered Counsellor

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about what we offer, or if you would like to book an assessment, please feel free to pop us an email.